Our Financial Access Fair was a huge success!


Thank you!

Our Financial Access Fair was a huge success! This would not have been possible without the help and support of our participants, partner organizations, volunteers, sponsors, our wonderful board, and everyone who is part of the Qualitas family. 

We want to thank especially our co-organizers at  St. Jerome H.A.N.D.S. Community Center, as well as the Consulate General of Mexico in New York for their hard work. We also want to thank Mexicana Solutions, Neighborhood Trust Federal Credit Union, US Alliance Financial, Lower East Side People Federal Credit, Spring Bank, Popular Community Bank, Condusef and  Profeco for their enthusiastic participation.

More than 140 people received financial services and counseling during the event that was held in the Bronx for the Hispanic community. In addition, workshops and information sessions were held on taxes, remittances, and banking systems, among other topics.

Adolfo Moreno, mentioned that he attended the Fair because he was interested in understanding the different banking services “I also learned about remittances, money transfers, and new programs that give more benefits to our relatives in Mexico.”

The main goal of the Financial Access Fair is to build a bridge between the financial services providers and the community in a trustworthy environment, to maximize the impact of our education program. With your help, we will continue offering reliable, accessible and free services so that together we can improve the standard of living of the Hispanic community. 

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